I really enjoy cooking. I often turn to online recipes for inspiration and guidance. However, many recipe websites now pad out their articles with unnecessary fluff and personal anecdotes, making it a challenge to find a simple list of ingredients and clear step-by-step instructions. This trend can be frustrating for those of us who have busy schedules and need to be efficient with our time. It doesn’t help that many recipe websites hide the recipe behind ads and pop-ups, making it even more challenging to find what we’re looking for.

I just wanted a tasty pancake recipe and its like I got to read a 6 page book on their life just to get the guide.

But I know I’m not alone in my frustration. Some websites have started to provide recipes without the fluff, which is a welcome change. I hope more websites will follow suit.

My message to recipe websites is simple: keep it simple. I don’t need to know your life story to enjoy a delicious meal. Give me the recipe and the steps to make it, and I’ll be a happy home cook. Let’s keep things straightforward, and everyone will be happy.

Share your thoughts on this in the comments below. I’m going to continue to update as I assume people are reading this.

Don’t forget to reload gamers,
